Good Reading

Students’ Names: Isaiah Arellano, Stanislava Stachova, Ydana Virgen, Benito Reyes.

Title of Lesson: Rhetorical reading

Mentor Teacher Name:

School: Med High

Classroom Number:

Grade Level: 10th

Performance Objectives (include up to 4):

1. The students will be able to read rethorically.

2. The students will be able to know the difference between normal reading and rethorical reading.



Materials List -

For the teacher:

·         Presentation

For each student:

·         One poem before explanation.

·         One poem after explanation.

·         Two sets of questions.


What the Teacher Will Do:

Eliciting Questions/

Student Responses

Give the students a poem and a set of questions.

Do you know what rhetorical reading is?

Do you think you read the right way?

How you know you read the right way?
Do you think good reading skills are important?


What is the purpose of the next activity?

See the (first) poem and analyze it. Compare our responses with the students.

Transition Script (What will you say to the students before moving on to the next part of the lesson?):

Now we are going to analyze the poem together.

·         We are going to show you how to analyze this poem rhetorically.


What the Teacher Will Do

Eliciting Questions/

Student Responses

See the responses of the students.

Did you have some idea of what you were supposed to do?

Do you think you would be able to read rhetorically?

Have you ever heard about rhetorical reading before?


What is the purpose of the next activity?

Explain what rhetorical reading is.


What the Teacher Will Do

Eliciting Questions/

Student Responses

Explain what rhetorical reading is

·         What do you think are the differences between rhetorical Reading and normal Reading?

·         Do you think you have been reading rhetorically before this class?


What is the purpose of the next activity?

Give another poem to see if they understand what rhetorical Reading is; and if they are able to apply it.

Transition Script:

Now we are going to test you again to see if you understood the lesson.


What the Teacher Will Do

Eliciting Questions/

Student Responses

Give a different poem with questions to the students

·         Did you understand the lesson?

·         Would you be able to read rhetorically the next poem?


What is the purpose of the next activity?

Evaluate the students responses to see if they understood the lesson and see if they; at least, tried to read rhetorically.

Transition Script:

This part will not be performed with the students. We are going to evaluate it in “class” (UTPA).


Using your evaluation questions written for your objective assignment, create the actual handout you will pass out to the students as their assessment.  This document should have a place for student name and date and be free of typos.  Include the document as a page in your lesson plan (copy and paste the document into the end of this document).


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